Cleansing face with honey – how to do it and which honey to choose

We have been talking about cleansing skin with oils (OCM – Oil Cleaning Method). Now, it is time to talk about cleansing skin with the aid of honey. How to perform this type of beauty treatment, what kind of honey would suit the particular skin type and who can wash the face in that way?

Cleansing face with honeyWhy to cleanse face with honey? The reason is quite prosaic – honey exhibits strong cleansing properties. What are the other magic tricks that honey can do to our skin? The truth is that, honey does not remove make-up, although, it reduces the level of sebum, and at the same time, leave the proper amount of it on the skin surface, suffice to moisturize it. What is more, honey deals with dust, pollution and other unwanted contaminates that stuck to our face during the day. It also contracts the skin, and due to this property, we can experience a gentle face lifting while applying honey. Furthermore, this substance moisturizes and softens dry and sensitive skin. Additionally, honey has got antifungal features, relieves irritations and enhances the speed of wound healing. Finally, it evens out skin tone and smells pleasantly.

Who is recommended to clean the face with honey? Especially, those who have got oily, mixed, acne and dry skin can take advantage of honey boons. Unfortunately, people who are allergy sufferers and those who have got excessively acne-plagued skin are not prescribed to benefit from this sweet beauty treatment. People who suffer from skin ailments are not also advised to apply honey on their skin.

How to cleanse face with honey? This beauty treatment requires the usage of liquid and natural honey. The application of artificially manufactured honey is considered absolutely pointless. The natural honey can be mixed with water, as well as, with fruit or flower hydrolate. The mixture, or honey alone, is to be applied on face skin, neck, cleavage and optionally on back. Next, you have to massage the face and leave honey for approximately 10 minutes. After that, the sweet mask should be rinsed with warm water and the face ought to be covered with a cream, tonic or other beauty care cosmetic. This procedure should be performed a few times in a week – it depends on the skin reactions to the treatment. This application can be done in the morning and in the evening. It is worth pointing out that those who wear make-up should conduct the honey treatment in the morning.

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